Monday 27 May 2024

May 2024 favourites list

Welcome to this month’s collection of wonderful things. This month is all about food and flowers. Late Spring is always glorious to me, and I’ve enjoyed the warmer days, the changing produce in the shops, and I’m starting to think of other things to cook at eat. 

Food writing

Colombia is a wonderful destination for culture, history, sights and food. Here are 10 food experiences not to miss if you are planning a trip:

The microwave is wrongly maligned as not a proper tool for cooking. Chef Tim Anderson’s latest cookbook is designed to prove the haters wrong. Kavey has done another one of her excellent cookbook reviews of this new offering, with her usual attention to detail and recipe testing:

Proof that people power works – Lidl bring back their cheese twist, much missed since their discontinuance in 2021. Please, Aldi, bring back the truffle salami, I miss it!

If you find yourself in the need of quick meal options, ready meals can provide a handy solution. Here, medical and dietary experts help you pick out the best options, while giving their advice on what to look for and what to avoid.

Kitchen Know-how

Chef Sanjana Modha shares her advice on how to make Indian cooking less time consuming and complicated.

Bought kitchenalia you later regretted? We’ve all been there. Here is a handy guide to the gadgets and gizmo not to bother with.

What are the healthiest vegetable cooking methods?


We are on the brink of Summer, with fresh and tasty tomatoes that haven’t been flown from the other side of the world. Here are some recipe ideas, from salads to soups and sides, focussing on Piccolo tomatoes:


With citrus tang and the mild aniseed of fennel bulb this radicchio and orzo pasta salad makes you feel like Spring is making the transition into Summer:

Mafghoussa – “squashed” courgette dip topped with pine nuts, might just be the new hummus. Recipe by Fadi Kattan from the book Bethlehem:

Kitchen know how and cooking tips

This may be written primarily for an American audience, but there are tips here we can all be assisted by – first aid in the kitchen and how to avoid common cooking related accidents: 

Ideas to pep up your salads, including barbequing quartered heads of romaine lettuce:

How to make better meatballs – how to avoid rubbery texture, dryness and blandness:


What you may have missed at Snig’s Kitchen

Maruchan spicy chicken and prawn instant noodle review –


Please note: as with every monthly Favourites List, all of these items have been selected by me simply because I love them. I do not receive any money, benefits in kind or other incentive for posting these links or recommendations

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for including my latest book review, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It's a great book! And had a good read of some your other links too, such a great resource, Snig!
